Kids as young as preschool age start recognizing and discussing their five senses. Use this holiday season as a great time to discuss sight, sound, taste, smell and touch in a unique way. Download this printable 5 Senses Christmas Scavenger Hunt as another activity your Christmas elf can leave the kids one December morning.

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Yes! I’m back with another free printable to entertain your kids! Unlike my Nature Scavenger Hunt, this 5 senses Christmas Scavenger Hunt doesn’t include any pictures, only words for each item on the list. That’s because it’s a great activity to inspired creative thinking by your child!

UPDATE: I’ve removed my URL at the bottom so feel free to print and gift without any suspicion!

Each item of this scavenger hunt includes an item discovered by one of the 5 senses. For example: your child might see a jingle bell as “something metal” or that same item could be “something that makes noise”. Cookies can be “something that smells sweet” or candy canes can be “something striped.”

The 5 Senses Christmas Scavenger Hunt printable is great to be read by your first/second graders but could easily be done by a preschooler if you read them each point. It is a great activity for a Christmas party, morning activity from your Elf or something to do Christmas eve to pass the time on a highly antsy night.

This printable is just one of many I’ve offered over the years and is included in the Elf Ideas for a 7 year old schedule I shared! I’ve listed as few of my other free printables below and the others can all be found here.

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