When it comes to kids, sometimes waiting to reveal vacation plans is better than hearing all the questions leading up to it. If you’re looking for a fun way to share an upcoming trip, consider this Easter Egg Vacation Reveal Idea using my FREE Svg cut file to create the secret message!

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Followers will know the concept of news reveals are big in our family, mostly because we don’t tell us kids much until necessary. When they were little we just didn’t want a million questions on the lack of timeline so we waiting until the last minute to reveal the news of a big trip and I’ve learned the hard way that sometimes sicknesses or outside elements can change plans and lead to big disappointments.

For our first family of 4 trip to Disney World, I created this Easter Egg activity where they could find the eggs, line the pieces in number order and flip over to reveal the vacation reveal. You can find the free PDF cut file for that “Disney World” reveal on this post.

Now, years later, I decided to repeat this concept with an Easter Egg hunt to reveal recent vacation news, but this time letting my Cricut machine do more of the work!

Good news! I’m sharing the SVG cut file of the game pieces to stuff inside the Easter Eggs. You can download the file and write on your own message (or use Cricut’s print then cut feature!).

First, upload the free SVG cut file into Cricut Design Space. Feel free to add more shapes if you’re message is longer than what I created. Cut on cardstock (I’d suggest at least 80 lb cardstock.)

Lay out all the pieces and number them on one side. Sit on the other side and start writing the letters for your message to coordinate with each number.

Fold in half and use glue to secure. Stuff these pieces into Easter Eggs. Because remember, Easter Egg hunts are fun ALL YEAR LONG!
Send the kids off to hunt for the eggs! Open the eggs and arrange the game pieces in number order on the ground or at able.

Once in order, have them flip over the message one by one to reveal the secret message!

We recently did this with our friends as we were traveling together and the kids had no idea! They loved learning about this joint vacation using this fun Easter Egg reveal message!
If you repeat this for your secret surprise, tag me as I’d love to see how it goes!
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