Are you planning a trip to Disney World soon and are looking for a unique way to tell the kids? No matter what time of the year, consider an Easter egg hunt! Create a scavenger hunt, filling the eggs with this free printable stating your special Disney World reveal message after the hunt!

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As you are reading this post, our family is enjoying a (hopefully) fun time down in Disney World with our brother-in-law, sister-in-law and my two cute nieces!

We did our best to keep the secret up until the Sunday before our trip so we didn’t hear every day “are we going to Disney World today?”

I shared in my 10 more ways to entertain a toddler in winter post how Easter Egg hunts are a great activity to pull out any time of the year so that’s the route we took!

I created this fun free printable, trimmed each shape and stuffed them into a set of Easter Eggs. We gave them each a bucket and had them hunt for the eggs.

After finding and opening the eggs they lined up the numbered sides of the designs, a great activity for toddlers and preschoolers who are practicing their numbers! (Note: I edited the free printable to include little lines under the 6 and 9 so you which one is which!)

Once in the correct order, we had them flip the numbers over to reveal a special message!

My girls can’t yet read but we went ahead and read the words aloud and waited for the excitement!

Head to my Instagram page to see the video clips of the reveal! In essence, they were SUPER excited for the Egg hunt and the goodie bag we gave them after breaking the news, but didn’t yet comprehend that we just shared a Disney World reveal! They’re still young! After talking about it more in the hours and days after, they became very excited for the trip!

In case you were wondering, each goodie bag contained a new Minnie dress, Princess bathing suit, mini Disney puzzle (great for restaurants), Magic washcloth (because they won’t have any bath toys at the hotel) Minnie Ears and Disney autograph books.

Check out how our Disney World reveal went 3 years later!

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