Recycle all the wine corks of parties and celebrations enjoyed throughout the year and turn them into wine cork ornaments for your family this holiday!

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For the past few years, my mom has asked for help making ornaments for her book club. Since the club itself is made of a lot of women who are known to sample wine, wine corks were an easy material to turn into a gift.

Luckily I had some help of two special helpers, one is pictured here. They got the tedious job of sorting the corks by height and also finding red, green, yellow or gold papers from my scrap paper.

To create wine cork ornaments you’ll need:
- Wine Corks
- Hot Glue Gun
- Patterned paper
- Serrated Knife and cutting board
- Ribbon

The tree shape itself is made of 6 corks and one for the trunk. Before assembling the triangle of 6 together, hot glue the ribbon under the top cork. This helps make sure it hangs more securely.
I then used a serrated knife to cut the trunk cork in half and cut a V shape into the top. This allows it to fit a little more snuggly under the triangular shape.

I use the star and circle shapes using my Cricut machine and hot glued them to the wine corks, as shown. These upcycled wine cork ornaments would make for a fun girls night in craft activity! Everyone could sift through the pile of corks everyone brings and added their own arrangement o papers and decorations on top. Add sticky gems, pipe cleaner light strands or any assortment of stickers to dress them up more!
More DIY Ornament Ideas

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