Love the look of a fun party backdrop behind the dessert table, present table or photo op but don’t have a flat wall to display one? Consider building a DIY party backdrop stand that you can transport to any location you wish and use for your next big bash! Follow the dimensions and tips listed here to create a party backdrop stand that can be used over and over to make your parties extra special!

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Today’s post and DIY project comes courtesy of Liz, my longtime friend, previous coworker and roommate for all those trade shows we used to attend back in my pre-baby days. She’s one crafty gal with many appearances here on the blog for things she’s made me and my girls. Today she’s sharing this DIY party backdrop made of PVC pipe she built and has used for several parties!

Here’s the kicker – the whole thing cost between $15-20! Below are the pieces and dimensions needed, with all PVC pipe pieces being cut on site by the home improvement store employee:
- (2) 60″ straight PVC pipes
- (4) 12″ straight PVC pipes
- (4) 36″ straight PVC pipes
- (2) Elbow/L joints
- (4) T joints
- (4) caps for the feet.

Of course, these pipes didn’t come in this pink color.

Liz used a $2 paint sample can to give her party backdrop stand this pink look since it would be used at a bridal shower. The backdrop was used for all those “opening of the presents” shots to be taken by guests. An ombre pink shower curtain was purchased to be hung making the pipe an exposed part of the display. Oh and these flowers? Yeah she made from paper! How gorgeous are those?!

The 2nd time it was used was a 60th birthday party for her cousin. An actual curtain was hung over the backdrop which covered all the exposed pipe (which we know was pink underneath!). The legs were exposed but since it was behind this dessert table and hidden by the tablecloth, no one knew! Not only did this party backdrop stand help give some color behind the dessert table, it also gave a spot for her to hang a coordinating “Happy Birthday” banner.
Final tips from Liz: If the placement of the stand will be in front of a window where sun shines through, use a blackout curtain or you will see the shadow of the middle bar. Also, if you plan to make a wider frame, consider adjusting the configuration for a sturdier display by adding some support pipes in the back.
Hello! I was wondering how you guys attached the flowers to the backdrop??
Hey Maritza! As this was a guest post, I had her answer this. See below.
1)Take poster board (you may need more than one depending on how big your flower layout is) and put small eyelets along top and one side edge of poster board. The eyelets will reinforce it so it won’t rip from the weight of all the flowers.
2)In order to mount flowers, cut circles and hot glued them to center bottom of each flower to give me a solid base so I could then sew them into the poster board using the fishing thread. I simply brought the thread in and out the back of the circle and the poster board…nothing difficult or fancy.
3)Once the thread went through the circle base and poster board on the back side I pulled it tight and knotted each end. Then I used packing tape to tape down the knotted pieces to tightly hold the flowers in place.
4)After all the flowers were attached to the poster board I put fishing thread through the eyelets and tied it to pipe along top and side.
How much weight can a diy backdropvpvc pipe hold
Hi Teri! This was a guest post by a friend, not myself so I turned to her for input. This is what she shared: I hung a heavy blackout curtain on it without an issue. I guess it depends on what they plan on using it for. If it’s just for a backdrop for photos then a curtain or shower curtain work no problem. When I did the bridal shower and we hung the paper flowers that were mounted on poster board it WAS heavy and I wouldn’t recommend having it out in the open. We kept it behind the table where the bride sat so no one would bump into it.