When looking to add a little color and texture to your fall mantle, raid your fabric scrap closet and whip up a little garland. This DIY felt scrap fall garland came together in less than an hour and used all supplies already in my craft closet so it was free! Learn how to easily make one for your home!

Once the girls were back in school, I was able to freely walk and admire things in stores, instead of just running in for the basic items from our list. One of those stores was Home Goods and I happily, slowly perused the decorations aisle, getting inspiration for the season ahead. I saw this felt scrap garland on sale for $14 and kind loved it. I polled my instagram followers on whether they thought I should just buy it for DIY it and of course the DIY won.

This is one of my favorite types of DIY decorations as it doesn’t cost much or anything at all! I was able to raid my fabric drawer and pull out felt scraps, my favorite scissors, embroidery thread and an embroidery needle and I was all set for this quick and easy DIY.

The most time consuming part of this involved cutting the scraps in similar sized pieces. I went with 1 x 4″ rectangles but honestly this took very little time.

To assemble, I just threaded a piece of embroidery thread through the scraps in a running stitch style.

When pulled, they gathered tightly for a rough, textured look.

This DIY felt scraps fall garland now hangs on our fireplace mantle, among an assortment of yellow, orange and white fall decorations I’ve gathered or made over time.
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