Big Disney fans will know about all the rumored 1,000 Hidden Mickey heads all around Disney World. If you’re planning a trip to one of the Disney parks soon, or just simply have Disney fever at home, consider creating your own Hidden Mickey Head t-shirt that all fits in this three color heart shape.

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There’s nothing like a postponed trip to Disney due to Coronavirus to make you have more Disney fever than before! The first week of our long lock down I designed and created this new DIY Disney Shirt featuring a Hidden Mickey Head heart design for both girls.

I created this using my Cricut Maker, but it could easily be done with a Cricut Explore Air 2 as well.

I used two colors of HTV for the hidden Mickey head heart shape and a third color (in my case a fun glitter HTV) for the bow on top.

I will tell you that if you love weeding, this design’s for you! All those little Mickey heads have some tight spaces that need a careful eye. I’ll tell you that the weeder tool from my 5 basic tool set I love came in handy for this design!

Once weeded it was very easy to apply using my Heat Press!

I can’t wait until the girls can wear these Hidden Mickey Head T-shirts at Disney World, whenever our next trip ends up being!

We’ve now had to postpone it twice and decided to just get refunds for whatever parts necessary.

I look forward to the days we can (hopefully mask free) enjoy our time at the Disney Parks searching for all the hidden Mickey heads while wearing a hidden Mickey t-shirt! Grab the free SVG cut file to make your own Disney T-shirt!
I also made this file with a rainbow pattern that I thought would look so cool on a t-shirt though I haven’t made a sample yet. Tag me if you make it!
Other Disney wearable ideas:

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