Two days before we left for Disney we went for that all important anatomy scan to check all of baby’s body parts to make sure everything was growing as planned. Everything went fine and they were able to tell us the sex during the scan.

While at Disney we took this photo as a little gender reveal to show off our growing family. Yep, we have another Minnie in my belly! We’ll be able to use all those cute clothes and hair accessories I made for the little miss since she’ll be the exact same seasons as Brielle!
Now we can start looking into names and a nursery theme!
OH and you want to know how it went when she met Mickey Mouse?

I’ll let the pictures speak for themselves. :)
Such a cute reveal!! Seeing Mickey in person is totally different then enjoying him on the screen. My family and I plan to see him & Minnie next Spring :)
Thanks! She had no idea what to think of the big cheese but got better about meeting characters as our trip went on.
Congratulations on the expected arrival of your second mouse…it will be twice the fun I’m sure.
Thanks! We’re excited :)