Once we knew we were expecting, I focused on my diaper and wipe stockpile to get through the first few months. In reviewing the couponing message boards, I learned about another website Coupons For Military Families. From their about page I learned the following: “Founded in 2009, Coupons for military families was created to help spread awareness that US military families who are stationed overseas can use coupons, up to 6 months past their expiration date.”
I have been clipping coupons for friends and family for a while so why not do the same for a military family? In August, I began clipping ALL the coupons in the Sunday paper and/or keeping any coupons that expired before I was able to use them. After emailing the site and getting the contact information for the first family that was overseas in Italy, I sent away my first package, hoping it included coupons they could use or share with the other families on base.
CouponsToTroops suggests to include a letter inside with your email address so they can let you know when the package arrives. But you know I can’t just write a little scribbled note, so I sent this handmade card:
Supplies: K&Company Americana Die Cut Pad, Adhesive Borders and Rosette Embellishment
Note: The best part about this is that it only costs you domestic shipping charges (so in my case $2.41). Filling out the customs form was a bit annoying but it only took 2 minutes of my time and hopefully saved a military family some $$! I plan to do this again and hope others might read about this and consider it too!
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All Things With Purpose, The Crafty Blogstalker, So you think you’re crafty, Craftionary, Crafty Confessions,
Thanks for the information…I am a coupon gal and hope I can help a military family as well!