Looking for a fun indoor activity with a little Christmas spirit? Look no further than the Christmas Color Hunt! This activity uses just construction paper, a free printable and things around your home!

The holiday season is here and now it’s time for your Facebook feed to blow up with creative Elf ideas! Where’s a way to occupy your little ones with something the elf can bring that can keep them entertained for a while.

First, grab the free printable from this sheet and cut out the little poems. (There are actually 2 activities described in today’s post!)

Pair the poem with 1 sheet of red and 1 sheet of green construction paper. Read the poem aloud so they understand what to do.

Encourage kids to roam around the house and try to find objects of these two colors and place them on the paper. If they have a lot of fun, pull out a sheet of other colors and continue to make a rainbow. Hopefully after the fun, they’ll put everything back where is goes, right?
Secret Message
Bonus activity! This printable also include a little poem message about this fun watercolor activity you can set up in advance using just a watercolor kit and a white crayon.

Grab a white crayon out of your box and write a message on white paper. If you look hard you’ll be able to see it but it’s otherwise pretty hard to read.

Cut the paper up in large pieces. Once painted with watercolor paint (I got this cheap kit at the dollar store) a message will be revealed. The white crayon acts as a resist so the paint won’t stick. It’s much like our Father’s Day sticker resist frame Brielle made for Derek this year!

Once all the pieces are painted, arrange to read the “secret” message left by the elf! Kids will get a kick out of this crafty activity. Even if your child can’t read yet, they’ll love the magical experience that appears when you paint over the white crayon marks.

Looking for more Christmas activities for little ones? Check out my elf activities for a 2 year old post here with a printable schedule and plenty of ideas!
That’s a cool idea! I have never used Elf in the shelf. But just the other day one of my kids was asking about the Elf in the shelf she heard about at school. So I picked one at the store the other day and now am looking for activities around the Elf… So glad you could join the Dec Hobnob and I could find you..:) Thank you!!
-Priyam @ http://priyam-simplejoys.blogspot.com
Thanks for stopping by Priyam! Hope I’ve inspired you and your elf! :)