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Are you looking to create a birthday tradition that will never go out of style and will always be delicious? Adopt my family’s birthday tradition including one ice cream cake and all spoons. Make sure to capture an annual photo of this memorable dessert consumption to enjoy for years to come!
Sometimes traditions are planned and sometimes they just form over time. To me, doing things two times doesn’t make it tradition but when you purposely repeat it several times over and it’s a loved activity, it just sort of sticks.
Like most first time moms, I restricted my daughter’s sugar intact her first year and let her loose on her first birthday cake at her birthday party (a few days before her birthday). We spent her actual birthday as a family of three at the beach followed by the start of our family birthday tradition. I grabbed a mini ice cream cake from the grocery store and three spoons and we all dug into the cold and creamy cake.
Ok not all of us used a spoon, but it was a hit and they were some of my favorite photos of her birthday celebration.
Year two we got another cake and my then VERY pregnant self and hubby sat next to her and enjoyed some bites. These were actually our last photos as a family of 3 as only 2 hours later I went into labor and welcomed her birthday twin 10 minutes to midnight.
Year three included another spoon. (or really another set of hands)
Year four had two happy faces ready to dig into this traditional dessert!
This weekend we celebrated these birthday twins turning 5 and 3 in a small party at our house (#futureblogpostalert) but tonight they’ll take part in our annual family tradition of one ice cream cake and all spoons. Follow me on instagram where I’ll try to share this 5 year tradition with a new photo tonight.
Moms of babies and toddlers, I highly recommend adopting this fun birthday tradition and see your family grow through this annual photo that’s sure to be repeated and remembered all their life!
PS we’re usually alone when taking these photos so I use my wireless remote and tripod to capture the shot! Add it to your cart now as it’s a must to get mom in the photo, or as Susie of Busy Toddler calls it #ProofofMom.
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