I’ve never really been one to have yearly resolutions (except for that one time I worked on a 30 before Thirty list) but for some reason, this year, I’m really liking the clean slate the beginning of the year is bringing on. Derek recently started this tradition to type up a “to do” list which is broken up into lots of categories (Derek aka Mr. Fix It, Tara – aka crafty/shopping, research/buy) and we LOVE crossing things off the list!
In an effort to motivate myself and make me accountable for some of my goals, I’m listing there here for the internet to see!
- Redo downstairs half bathroom
- Paint/semi makeover of master bedroom
- Update family wall gallery in living room
- Tackle toy clutter in the living room
- Develop a solution for the lack of a mud room
- Develop a personal style. Seriously I’m 33 years old and can’t tell you what my style is as far as clothes and makeup. This is especially true since I spent the better part of the last 3 years pregnant or trying to lose baby weight. I’m purging most of my closet and looking for staple items that look good on me, even investing in quality pieces of clothing that I’ll wear often (aren’t good jeans worth it?). PS if you’re looking for a great blog that REALISTICALLY presents these concepts, check out Putting Me Together!
- Try at least one new recipe a month. This doesn’t sound like much but we are not very adventurous eaters so we tend to stick to the same meals. This goes along with my want to break out some of the appliances received at my bridal shower (ahem…3 years ago) and make use of them much more! I hope to follow up with a post showcasing which recipes we tried but in the meantime I will make sure to add them to my “Tried with Reviews” board.
- Practice patience more with the girls. Easier said than done but on very overtired mornings recently I found myself getting more upset and raising my voice more than I’d like with my two little munchkins.
- Go on more date nights. While we don’t have many babysitting options, we can still make the most out of the time when both girls go to bed and not just sit on our computers/phones. Having a game night in the basement or sitting outside to have a drink on the porch in the summer are easy things we can do that don’t involve electronics!
- Participate in more group activities. This includes blog hops, linky parties or other online adventures that might help make more connections and in turn get more pageviews.
- Consider sponsored content wisely. I have really enjoyed many of the sponsored opportunities that came my way this year, especially the yummier ones or those that introduced my girls to new products for kids. I look forward to trying out more opportunities that will both be fun but still remain within content categories previously discussed here.
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