In April 2012, 7 bridesmaids and I helped to host a bridal shower in which we gave the bride-to-be a gift to last the whole year. Read the opening explanation about “A Year of Date Nights” here.

January is a hard month to plan outdoor activities. What if it snows all month and you can’t get out to where you need to go? What if you have cabin fever and need to get out after all that “in” time. This month we gave A&T a change of scenery and a way to escape…. at the movies!

I lucked out and found these popcorn containers at the Target $1 spot and quickly filled them with yellow shredded paper as fake popcorn. Insert a movie theater gift card, wrap in a cellophane bag and we’re ready to go! Oh and the bottom of the note tells Allie to let her hubby pick the flick! :)
Love this idea!!